Mar 10 |
The latest Zelda titles are catching flak for their design decisions.
Feb 07 |
I won't take this laying down.
Jan 28 |
Moving to a simpler domain name.
Jan 18 |
Interface friction can help users.
Jan 16 |
Seriously, why do you want to tweak everything?
Jan 14 |
Programmers are supposed to solve problems—not make more.
Jan 08 |
There's no shortage of choices when it comes to blogging. Want to know why?
Jan 06 |
Sometimes, something we've built inadvertently becomes the perfect home for bugs.
Jan 01 |
It was better than my 2023.
Dec 27 |
Rapid iteration necessitates frequent failure.
Dec 17 |
Presenting a radically simple text editor.
Nov 13 |
Why do they call it "punishingly hard"?
Sep 29 |
A non-exhaustive list.
Sep 27 |
Count anything.
Sep 09 |
With the right design, you can make any task trivial to do. That's a bad thing.
Sep 05 |
The struggle to design an application begins with deciding which application to design.
Sep 03 |
This simple farming game boasts a design which makes it far more appealing than its sequels.
Aug 30 |
Fixed-width characters fail the English language—why do programmers insist on using them?
Aug 09 |
A complete guide to developing beautiful apps using one of the simplest programming languages available, Lua.
Jul 15 |
The web serves to connect people—what happens when they stop talking?
Jul 04 |
In which I attempt to find a suitable metaphor around which to build an app.
May 31 |
Sometimes, things go well.
May 08 |
Sometimes, things go wrong.
Feb 08 |
Hypothetically, if you could run code directly from a text editor, you'd be able to iterate on your design much faster… right?
Jan 30 |
Most programming advice misses the point.
Jan 02 |
Programmers and power users care about only one thing, and it's baffling.
Jan 01 |
Reflecting on a landmark year.
Dec 26 |
A mission statement.
Jun 22 |
A woman wakes up in the middle of the night to find herself surrounded by… herself?
Apr 21 |
A command-line fiend faces a reckoning.
Oct 24 |
Healing strange scars one replay at a time.
Jan 21 |
A desperately needed how-to.
Jan 04 |
Reviewing a game that took over my attention in 2021.
Dec 28 |
I talk about an ancient text editor.
Sep 21 |
I made an old game's music even older.
Nov 07 |
A talk about the desire to understand underlying principles.
Sep 30 |
Remote communication strategies aren't great.
Jun 09 |
An argument aggainst the community-created single battle format of competitive *Pokémon* battling.